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Collaborate with our association

At ImpulsaT, for the care of children with merosin deficiency, we work to promote and fund research initiatives that could contribute to the development of treatments for the cure or improvement of Congenital Muscular Dystrophy – LAMA2.

Since it is a very rare disease and very few people suffer from it, limited resources are allocated for its research. That’s why we need your help!

Become a member

I want to collaborate with my contribution

Did you know that from your donation
you can deduct up to 80%?
Become a member

Make a contribution

I want to collaborate with a one-time contribution.

Make a donation

Becoming a member has its advantages!

Did you know that from your donation to ImpulsaT, you can now deduct up to 80%?

If you donate


You can deduct

It costs you

10 €

per month

120 €

per year

96 €

per year

2 €

per month

30 €

per month

360 €

per year

244 €

per year

9,7 €

per month

Calculate how much you can deduct with your contribution.

Enter the tax deduction calculator.

Other ways to collaborate

You can also make a donation through our bank accounts:

ES97 2100 4815 2322 0004 1516 (CaixaBank)
ES38 3025 0009 6214 0006 4215 (Caixa Enginyers)


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